Walk in Beauty – Celebrating the sacredness of life, thinking and acting in a Beauty Way

von Mirjam Luthe

Walk in beauty is the translation of the Navajo term for the spiritual path of celebrating the sacredness of life. Thinking and acting in a Beauty Way sheds light on how we walk, feel physically and emotionally, and how we explore our own inner wilderness in relation to everyone and all life. To walk in beauty refers to being in balance and conscious relationship with a natural way of life, cultivating the intention to deeper understand the wisdom of nature. It is about remembering the mystery that all inter-is.

Walk in beauty also means remembering the spark of light in each of us, even in midst of challenging moments in our collective human experience. „Feel the preciousness of life", Bernie Glassman said in his last Bearing Witness Retreat in Auschwitz-Birkenau in 2017. As social human beings, we are equipped to feel with the joy and the suffering of others, ourselves and life on our planet Earth. By experience, we also know the desire to contribute to something vaster than just ourselves. We long for meaning to be happy.

Therefore, we need each other and the energy of community. To walk in beauty together and exploring the deeper meaning of interbeing is the overarching vision and solid ground of my work, teaching mindfulness, compassion and gratefulness practices. It is a lived path towards peace.

While being trained in a broad range of mindfulness-based teachings formats (mindfulness understood as heartfulness, awareness and relationality), in my experience and vision, all formats flow together and support each other on a path towards a lived “Yes to belonging” and “Peace in oneself, Peace in the World”, experiencing our interconnectedness within the mysterious web of life.

Looking forward to connect with you in one of my Course offerings: https://www.walk-in-beauty.org/

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